We Need Your Help
Its been four years in the same jerseys we started with in 2005. They're faded and ripped and a little out of style. But its pretty impressive that only one has been lost. Blue Bison Sports is giving us a good deal and we're ready to go ahead with purchasing a new set. In 2005 the jerseys were mostly paid for by donations from Buffalo Rugby players who helped us get off the ground. We hope the same can happen again with KE rugby alumni and guys that played rugby after graduating from Ken East. We now also have a growing contingent from St Joe's CI so we can now extend the appeal to guys who played rugby and graduated from Joes
Please consider giving $10, $25, $50 toward the purchase of the new jereseys. We'll put your name on this page and be very grateful.
If you are interested in becoming involved with KE rugby there are may ways we can use your help. Please contact us.
If you know of a business or organization that might be interested in sponsoring our team, we can provide space for their brand on our new jerseys and on our website.
There's two ways to make a donation. Click the Donate button to use Paypal or your Credit Card (Handled through the Buffalo Rugby Club)
Write a check payble to Ken East Rugby and send it to:
Jim Dunnigan
Kenmore East HS
350 Fries Rd
Tonawanda, NY 14150
We hope to see you at a game this spring !
Jim Dunnigan, Ron Astridge, Dave Knowl, Dave Hill, Dannish Patel, Nick Kusmierski